How to be reasonable about accommodation

What do you do when the witch in accounting needs a window entrance for her broom? How can you provide a schedule for the werewolf who becomes indisposed once a month? Starting the dialogue about reasonable accommodation can be hard, but doing so is incredibly important—and doing it right is of even more importance!

Click here to give life to a helpful link I dug up from our pals at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt.

Ghouls and goblins… and government!

A Halloween miracle! The nightmare is over!  The government has reopened just in time to… deal with immigration issues for employers.  A gruesome fate, indeed.  Maybe no one wanted to miss the big government work annual costume party? In any case, the absence of government caused a lot of trouble, trouble, boil and bubble, but employers can expect to see some resolutions for immigration processing soon.

Click here for more from our long-time loves at Ogletree Deakins. And click here for an E-Verify update from USCIS.

Workplace “boo”-boos – when Halloween in the office gets scary

Halloween can be a tricky time for employers who try to treat their employees to some fun. Whether you’re the boss who takes the horror movie pranks too far (no fake blood in the water cooler this year, please), or the HR manager who encourages costumes, dangers abound.

Click here for “Halloween Horrors for Employers” from our besties (or BEASTIES, see what I did there? #halloweenpuns) at Stearns Weaver to read some spooky stories that are all true and happened not long ago in an office just… like… this one!

New York – Ready? Set? Deduct

If the date October 9th sounds really familiar to you but you can’t quite remember why, let me help you out by giving you some options.

  • Option A) The start date for New York’s wage deduction regulations.
  • Option B) My cat’s birthday.
  • Option C) Leif Erikson Day.
  • Option D) Official start to the Pumpkin Spice Latte season.

If you guessed, “Pumpkin Spice Latte season starts in September duh, and my cat is a Scorpio, so A and C obvi” then you are totally right. We already filled you in on the New York DOL’s changes to what deductions are permissible – this just a friendly “hey, that is happening for real now.” If you want a refresher on what these changes mean for you, click here to read an overview from our partners at Squire Sanders.

Ohio – Free HR schoolin’!

There is something about this crisp fall weather that just makes me want to sharpen a number two pencil, crack open a textbook, and get down to some learnin’. If you are feeling what I am feeling then listen up: the Ohio Chamber of Commerce is offering their HR Academy sessions for free for the rest of the year! If you are interested in topics like “Whistleblowing Issues” or “10 Things Your Employee Handbook Should Do To Keep You Out of Court” head over here to get your knowledge on.