You telecommute, you miss the sweet potato pie

Pop quiz! Circle the answers that apply and see how you did at the end.

Question 1: Telecommuting can benefit . . .

A.   employers

B.   employees

C.  pets

D.  sales of NuWave convection ovens.

Question 2: Telecommuting concerns include . . .

A.   workers’ compensation


C.  missing out on Peggy’s sweet potato pie and collared greens

D.  reasonable accommodation

E.   hours worked

Results: Every answer is acceptable (you don’t want to miss anything Peggy makes). Find out the hows and whys from our partners at Squire Sanders.

BREAKING NEWS: I-9 form will expire… but keep using it

Raise your hand if you’ve been getting a tweensy bit anxious about the upcoming expiration of the Form I-9 – it’s next week after all! Well, we’ve finally heard some news about what should be done: …nothing. That’s right, our partners at Squire Sanders report that employers should keep using that old I-9, right on through its expiration, until the new one is available.

Much like the recently expired FMLA forms, the government is taking this time to initiate more substantive form changes when issuing the new I-9… but they didn’t get it done in time. Ooooh, the government. Fingers crossed they find a way to add the Paperwork Reduction Act without causing an extra page to be printed with each and every I-9 form.

Click here to read more from Squire Sanders.

Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Didn’t think you could get fired for liking something? Well, think again if that “like” takes place on Facebook. A sheriff’s deputy in Virginia has been fired for “liking” (clicking a button so that a thumbs up symbol appears) his boss’s opponent’s Facebook page. One would think that this action would be protected under the First Amendment’s defense of free speech, but the question is: is it free speech if you don’t actually say anything?

We have seen a rise in social media cases in the past few years, but this one is chartering new grounds and could mean a possible change in your social media policy. It is not clear how long the case will take, but we will be sure to let you know once a ruling is issued. In the meantime, click here to read more.

25 (other) must read employer blogs

Even though you learn everything you could possibly need or want to know about the world of human resources from the HRidiot, there are other resources you can take advantage of to answer those oh so rare and lingering questions you may have.

Last week, Spark Hire released its list of the top 25 must read blogs for employers in a post surprisingly titled, “Top 25 Must Read Blogs for Employers.”  Your old favorites – HR Bartender, SHRM, – are all there, plus some newer bloggers on the scene (HR Introvert, HR Insomniac, etc.).

Click here to read the full list of must read blogs.  (And even though Spark Hire may have forgotten – we have a blog too.  We put it right here.  Honorary #26!)


To verify the accuracy of your employees’ Social Security Number (SSN), use the free online Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS). Having the correct SSN on file for your employees is crucial for accurate wage reports and when completing W-2 forms.  According to the SSA/IRS Reporter Summer 2011 publication, SSNVS allows registered employers to quickly verify whether a person’s name and SSN match Social Security’s records. Click here to learn more about SSNVS, or click here to start verifying.